N.A.C. Official Routines
Power Tumbling
Only students competing in or having competed in this season compulsory routine III and higher may compete in any power tumbling categories.
Compulsory Power Tumbling
9.0 Round-Off, Back Handspring, Rebound
9.1 Round-Off, Back Handspring, Back Handspring, Rebound
9.2 Round-Off, 3 Back Handsprings, Rebound
9.3 Round-Off, Back Flip (Back tuck .3 bonus), No Rebound
9.4 Round-Off, Back Handspring, Back Flip (Back tuck .3, layout .5), No Rebound
9.5 Round-Off, 3 Back Handsprings, Back Flip (Bonus, Tuck add .3, Pike .4, Layout .5), No Rebound
9.6 Optional Six Skill Pass. Round-Off is considered a skill. Must contain Back Tuck
or Layout as final skill. Bonuses: Whip .3, Tuck .3, Layout .5, Pike .4,
Connecting Whips .2, Full Twisting Layout .4.
Mini Trampoline
Level 1. First Pass – Straight jump; Second Pass – Tuck Jump
Level 2. First Pass – Straddle Jump; Second pass – Pike Jump
Level 3. First Pass – Dive Roll; Second Pass – Front Fly Spring
Level 4. First Pass – Front Tuck; Second Pass – Front Fly Spring
Level 5. OPTIONALS – Choose 2 passes. All passes start at 8.0
Bonus: Front Tuck – 0.2; Front Pike- 0.3; Tuck Brauni- .5; Pike Brauni .7, Straight Brauni 1.0, Front Full- 1.3; Front Rudi 1.5; Round off Back Tuck- 1.2; Round off Back Pike 1.3; Round off Back Layout- 1.5; Round Off Back Full- 1.8.
Compulsory Routines
Compulsory Routine Pre School- Ages 4 – 5
Forward Roll, Forward Roll Straddle Roll. Pike Forward Roll to lay flat on the mat. Push up into back bend (hold for 3 seconds). Lay flat on mat. Candle stick (hold at top for 3 seconds). Roll up to stand. Cartwheel, turn, Cartwheel.
Compulsory Routine Level 1 – Ages 4 - 7
Pike forward Roll. Pike forward roll, straddle roll. Cartwheel, ½ turn, Chasse’ cartwheel. Second Pass. Pike forward Roll to straddle stretch (hold for 3 seconds). Bring legs together, lay flat on mat push up into back bend, hold for 3 seconds. Lay Flat, candlestick hold for 3 seconds, roll up to stand. Handstand, Cartwheel, run cartwheel.
Compulsory Routine Level 1 – Ages 8 – Up
Pike forward Roll. Pike forward roll, straddle roll. Cartwheel, Chasse’ cartwheel. Second Pass: Pike forward Roll to straddle stretch. Bring legs together, lay flat on mat push up into back bend, hold for 3 seconds. Lay Flat, candlestick hold for 3 seconds, roll up to stand. Handstand, Cartwheel, run cartwheel. Third Pass: Run Round off Rebound, backwards roll.
Compulsory Routine Level 1-A - Ages 8 - Under
Cartwheel, 1 hand cartwheel, chasse’ cartwheel. Back pike roll. Second Pass: Handstand backbend, hold 1 leg up, lay flat, candle stick, roll up to feet. Pike forward Roll, straddle roll to one knee, hold for 3, Knee turn, pop to straddle, back pike roll to stand. Back Pike Roll. Third Pass: Handstand forward roll, Run round off, rebound.
Compulsory Routine Level 1-A - Ages 9+
Cartwheel, 1 hand cartwheel, chasse’ cartwheel. Back pike roll. Second Pass: Handstand backbend, hold 1 leg up, lay flat, candle stick, roll up to feet. Forward Roll, straddle roll to one knee, (hold for 3), Knee turn, pop to straddle, back roll. Back Pike Roll. Third Pass: Handstand forward roll, Straddle Roll. Run round off, rebound to immediate tuck backwards roll.
Compulsory Routine Level 2
Handstand forward roll, straddle roll, dive roll. Handstand backbend, inside out to stand. Handstand pike down, backwards pike roll. Second Pass: Handstand forward roll, sit in a pike sit, right or left side splits hold for 3 seconds, bring legs back together in pike sit, candlestick to straddle roll to one knee, cartwheel from knee, turn bad side cartwheel. Back Pike roll. Third Pass: Handstand back bend kick over, Run 1 hand cartwheel.
Compulsory Routine Level 3
Handstand roll, straddle roll, straddle to handstand roll. Handstand ½ pirouette, back walkover. Second Pass: Chasse’ round off rebound ½ turn 1 hand cartwheel. Kick to handstand, pike down to knees, pop to pike, back roll straddle through back pike roll. Third Pass: Kick to handstand keeping legs split and land on one foot with other foot in the air. Hold for 3 seconds, put foot down, pull up from backbend. Chasse’ Cartwheel, Chasse’ 1 hand cartwheel, Chasse’ Round off rebound.
Compulsory Routine Level 4
Handstand roll, tuck to handstand roll, straddle to handstand roll. Front walkover, holding front leg up, swing through to immediate cartwheel. Second Pass: Handstand ½ pirouette step out, back walkover to handstand, pike down, back pike roll, straddle to feet to immediate back extension roll pike down. Back bend pull up. Third Pass: Tick Tock. Chasse round off rebound, hop 1/2 turn round off rebound.
Compulsory Routine Level 5
Chasse front walk over to immediate chasse round off straddle jump. Back extension roll pike down, Second Pass: Front walkover, swing leg through to switch leg front walkover. Cartwheel swing leg through back walkover. Back walkover to a handstand pike down, back extension roll step out. Handstand ½ pirouette roll out, jump tuck ½ turn. Third Pass: Run layout front handspring.
Compulsory Routine Level 6
Run round off back handspring, rebound. Back walkover switch leg, swing back leg through to back walkover, stop in handstand front walkover out. Second Pass: Chasse’ dive front walkover, tick tock to handstand roll out, straddle to handstand ½ pirouette pike down to knees, straddle through back extension roll pike down. Third Pass: Handstand full pirouette. Chasse’ round off back handspring walk out.
Compulsory Routine Level 7
Round off 3 back handsprings. Second Pass: Straddle to a handstand ½ pirouette, pike down to knees, straddle through to pike sit. From pike sit, back extension roll step out. ½ turn, Cartwheel back handspring walk out, back walkover handspring walk out. Third Pass: Front walkover to a sit, valdez. Foutte’, Handstand 1 ½ pirouette. Chasse’ round off back handspring, floater back handspring walk out.
Compulsory Routine Level 8
Run Round off, back handspring, back tuck. Second pass: (walk to end of mat if needed) Chasse’ kangaroo front walkover, cartwheel back handspring walkout. Handstand straddle through back extension roll ½ pirouette roll out. Tuck to handstand 1 ½ pirouette step out. Third pass: Handstand step out to immediate back handspring step out. Run Round off back Tuck.
Compulsory Routine Level 9
Run Round off back handspring, back handspring, back tuck. Second Pass: Pike to handstand, 1/2 pirouette, straddle through to pike sit. From the pike sit, back extension roll step out to immediate back handspring walkout, back tuck. Handstand 1 ½ pirouette roll out, to immediate jump ½. Third Pass: (walk to end of mat if needed). Chasse’ front handspring walkout to front handspring. Step Hop aerial cartwheel.
Compulsory Routine Level 10
Alternates. Second Pass: Handstand 1 ½ pirouette roll out. Back handspring walkout, to immediate back tuck. Back walkover to handstand, ½ pirouette roll out to pike headspring to stand (no squat). Cartwheel to immediate gainer back handspring walkout. Third pass: Chasse’ aerial cartwheel to immediate chasse’ round off back handspring back tuck.